Doctor Care Anywhere

Doctor Care Anywhere is one of the UK’s largest private providers of telehealth services, offering online GP and Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP) appointments, 24/7, 365 days a year, via video and phone. 

Trusted by 1,000+ organisations from large corporates and small to medium businesses, we offer accessible healthcare at a fraction of the cost of Private Medical Insurance and Cash Plans.  By partnering with Doctor Care Anywhere, businesses can increase employee satisfaction by showing they care about their workforce, as well as keeping and attract top talent. We provide organisations with the ability to reduce sickness related, by offering employees instant access to more appointment times with more clinicians, whether they’re travelling for work or at home, with consultations available within a few hours. If you’d like to support your workforce’s health and wellbeing, get in touch to see how our 360 ° approach to healthcare can help your organisation.