The IVF Network

The IVF Network is the fastest growing membership community in the fertility sector and we are on track to become the number one resources tool and community centre for people undergoing fertility treatment globally.  We are a patient-centered provider, driven by our deep empathy and personal experience. In contrast to other providers, we don’t provide medical recommendations, testing, appointments with nurses, or financial support.  

What we prioritize, and consider of greater significance for our patients, is the emotional support that comes through a strong community, the power of knowledge, access to leading experts, guidance from line managers, and the creation of a fertility-friendly workplace.  

Additionally we offer corporate membership for people undergoing treatment in the workplace, and assistance to Corporate HR teams by providing a fertility policy toolkit, tailor-made content, bespoke workshops, and, importantly, equipping line managers with the skills and confidence needed to effectively disseminate and implement company policies.